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Buyer Hesitancy

Why our potential buyers rarely make the first move.

The promotion of any quality item; whether it be a product or service, involves us, as promoters, being on the front foot all the time.

Our buyers rarely initiate the conversation. But why?

There could be several reasons:

Uncertainty or Lack of Information: Our buyers may not have enough information about our product or service. They might be unsure about its features, benefits, or how it can address their specific needs. In such cases, they might be waiting for us to provide more clarity.

Fear of Commitment: Committing to a purchase is a significant decision for many buyers. They may be concerned about making the wrong choice or facing buyer’s remorse. By not initiating the discussion, they can delay making a commitment until they feel more comfortable.

Price Sensitivity: Price is often a crucial factor for buyers. They might be hesitant to bring up pricing in fear of getting a quote that is higher than they expected. They may prefer for us to set the initial price point.

Decision-Making Process: In some cases, potential buyers may have an internal decision-making process that involves waiting for vendors to provide proposals or quotes before they start negotiating or expressing their specific needs.

Cultural or Social Norms: In certain cultures or industries, it may be customary for the seller to take the lead in discussions. Potential buyers may be following established protocols.

Risk Aversion: Some buyers may be risk-averse and prefer to let the seller take the lead to avoid making mistakes. They may feel more comfortable when guided by us.

Lack of Urgency: If our buyer doesn’t have an immediate need for our product or service, they may not feel a pressing need to initiate the conversation.

“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” – Zig Ziglar.


“You don’t close a sale; you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise.” – Patricia Fripp.

Bringing buyer and seller together at the point of sale is a fascinating process.

Thank you for reading.

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